Mortal Kombat MK 11 Tier List (Best Characters Ranked) 2023

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Mortal Kombat MK 11 Tier List (Best Characters Ranked) 2023

The Mortal Kombat franchise was one of the best fighting games of all time.

Its most recent version, Mortal Kombat 11, better known as MK11 by the martial arts community, introduces a series of advanced machines to an established formula.

Unlike its predecessors, the MK11 slows down, forcing the player to take more deliberate actions, rather than spam. The speed difference shines in the competitive arena, where character movement is vastly different and posture is more important than ever.

The differences in characters are highlighted in MK11, each with a different strategy for mastering the games they are in.

It is for this reason that the level of fighters based on their ability to win matches is an important guide for MK11 players.

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What is Mortal Kombat 11?

Mortal Kombat 11 is one of the most popular fighting games developed by NetherRealm Studios and published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment. The franchise’s next appearance includes new in-game characters that give users control that has never been seen in a fighter. However, if you are unfamiliar with the latest game in the MK series, you may be frustrated with the variety of characters that appear in the game.

Usually some fighters can be stronger and more effective than others, so it is important to know the best fighters. The Aftermath DLC also added three evil characters to the game, including Fujin, Sheeva, and Robocop. So, let’s take a quick look at some of the best Mortal Kombat heroes at different levels.

Mortal Kombat 11 is a fighting video game created by NetherRealm Studios. It was published by Warner Bros Interactive Entertainment and its development was led by the same people who worked on games like Injustice, Mortal Kombat X, and others.

Mortal Kombat 11 was released on April 23, 2019. Available on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, X / S, and PC.


The comedy story is about Kronika trying to rewrite the whole story so she can get revenge on Raiden. The player begins the game by selecting a character and participating in a series of battles to unlock all of his special abilities and prepare for the final battle against the Chronicle.

Once this is done, you must conquer your different versions of the entire story until you finally win the Chronicle in the current age.

The game has an incredible selection of characters, with 25 characters starting and released by many as DLC. The developers said they would not add any gameplay differences between the DLC characters to keep things in place for players who only purchased a base game.

Our Mortal Kombat 11 roster focuses on characters from the base game, but we’ve also included DLC characters in our rankings. We consider them all the same, so you can choose any character, whether purchased for real money or not. Now, without wasting any time, let’s get started with our MK11 category list.

Mortal Kombat 11 2022 Tier List

Mortal Kombat 11 has a diverse roster of 37 characters including excellent battles from the franchise and some new faces for movies and comedies. Each fighter or character plays very differently from the other character in the game, and not all of them perform very well. The combination and play style of other characters can be learned throughout the day, while some complexes have a stable and challenging learning curve. That is why we have selected the MK11 tier list to measure the full utilization of the fighters in the game.

Dividing the list of different characters into the five levels mentioned below depends entirely on how we perceive each phased fall. We’ve had a good chunk of time with every fighter in the game, and based on that experience, we’ve created this list of categories. We understand that everyone’s point of view is different when it comes to listing Mortal Kombat 11 fighters.

These aspects of the rule have led to the creation of this category of open or unauthorized class lists. In addition, we have provided basic information on each fighter with the best combos, attack patterns or special moves.

The column is placed last to identify each defender’s style of play as one of the following:

Tier S

All of the characters on our Tier S roster continue to excel in their respective roles in the game. We’ve talked about Damage Dealers, Zoners, and Hasty Characters on this list. So, choose these fighters and get a good understanding if you want to keep winning battles online or otherwise.

  • Cetrion
  • Geras
  • Erron Black
  • Sonya Blade

Tier A

Tier A characters are also high-quality characters. They have a great damage effect and have many combos with different abilities that can be used in various ways to bring destruction to the game screen. They are very powerful in most cases.

  • Rain
  • Liu Kang
  • Scorpion
  • Cassie Cage
  • Jax Briggs
  • Kabal

Tier B

All Mortal Kombat 11 Tier B fighters are above average in zoners, brawlers, and combatants in the game. Unfortunately, some of these characters have a difficult learning curve and it won’t be easy to get it right.

  • Skarlet
  • Kano
  • Jacqui Briggs
  • Noob Saibot
  • Kung Lao
  • Mileen
  • Kabal
  • Baraka
  • Raiden
  • Shao Kahn

Tier C

All the kombatientes that come with our level C are below the standard and offer a gameplay that not everyone can control. Also, these fighters have complex procedures and applying them at the right time during a fight can be difficult.

  • Shang Tsung
  • Jade
  • The Joker
  • Robocop
  • Sheeva
  • John Rambo
  • Fujin
  • Sub-Zero

Here’s the best 7ds Grand Cross Tier ListtArchero Tier List showing all the best heroes.

Tier D

Fighters below our D level are slow and boring. They don’t offer a rewarding amount when playing online or in solid mode in single player Klassic Tower games.

  • Frost
  • Terminator
  • Nightwolf
  • Spawn
  • Kitana

Tier E

Characters that fall into the Mortal Kombat 11 E category are considered low-level, high-risk fighters.

They likely have no combos or abilities, and their only strength is in certain situations where they can surprise their opponents with special moves while blocking all of their own. However, this is a very dangerous move.

  • Kollector
  • Kotal Kahn
  • D’Vorah
  • Sindel

Frequently Asked Questions

Ques: What Does Tier List Mean?

Ans: The tier list is the level of the characters in terms of overall abilities and strengths. It gives an idea of ​​where each character stands in terms of quality and power, which can be used as a great tool for players who want to know the best characters they can and how they stack up against each other.

Ques: How Does the MK11 Category List Work?

Ans: Mortal Kombat 11’s tier list works by placing all the characters in different groups. Each team is of a certain category and the level goes from S to E, where S represents the best and E is reserved for the lower level fighters who have almost no chance of winning against the others.

Ques: What is the Best Level?

Ans: The MK11 S level is considered the best because these characters are superior soldiers who are more profitable than all other available heroes. They have many powerful combos, skills, and moves that have a huge impact on injuries, making them very strong in most game situations.

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Mortal Kombat 11 is one of the best fighting games out there. It has impressive graphics and an exciting story that can be enjoyed by all types of players, regardless of their age or experience with the same games.

We hope this MK11 list is helpful to you and helpful when playing this game. So, choose your favorite fighter and start climbing!

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