How to Fix “Your Account has Been Temporarily Locked” on Instagram ( 100 % Working Ways ) 2023

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How to Fix “Your Account has Been Temporarily Locked” on Instagram ( 100 % Working Ways ) 2023

How to Fix “Your Account Has Been Temporarily Locked” on Instagram

So you are trying to log into your Instagram account, but instead of seeing the usual home. you will receive a message “Your account is temporarily locked.” Each social media platform has local guidelines to keep the site safe. Do you remember accepting the terms and conditions when you open the app on your mobile phone?

Instagram may temporarily block your account for various reasons. The company will lock the account to protect the account. protect standards and promote the best user experience. If you try to log in to your account and you receive a message saying “Your account is temporarily locked”. This article explores the messages that may be displayed and how to open your account as quickly as possible. The Instagram Private Stories Downloader is a instagram story download web tool that saves the photos and videos posted on your Instagram stories. You can Recover Deleted Snapchat Messages then you can check this full article which I have linked.

How to Fix “Your Account Has Been Temporarily Locked” on Instagram?

STEP 1: Get the right form

Instagram actually has many different types of every reason to block your account.

Here are links to the following forms:


(Please read carefully before submitting the form for your specialty).

Step 2: Fill out the form

Fill out the form:

  • Write your full name
  • Enter the correct email address associated with your Instagram account that you are trying to recover. No other email address works, make sure you have one.
  • Enter your @Instagram username and phone number.
  • Providing why your Instagram account was deleted was a big mistake and you did not break the rules of their community.
  • 3. Submit a photo and code
  • Provide a photo of yourself with the handwritten code

NOTE: You should keep the written number almost like a mugshot.

Your face should be well defined and the whole image should be well understood without any Photoshop work.

When I went through this process, I put a lot of effort into making the photo right because Instagram rejected it.

3. Send a photo of yourself holding the code

What all this means is for Instagram to make sure you are who you claim to be and not a liar or a borrower.

Actual Instagram employees, not robots, make this choice, which increases the time required.

4. Wait for Instagram to reactivate your account

After responding to your Instagram email with a photo of you with the handwritten code, you’ll have to wait for Instagram’s response.

If your application is successful, you will receive a follow-up email from Instagram indicating that your information has been updated in error (pictured above).

If your application fails, you will not hear from Instagram.

Usually, Instagram will respond within 1-3 business days.

Some people could get their stories back in less than a day, so it depends on luck.

However, due to COVID, it may take several weeks to review your application.

Instagram is full of information even for the disease, so you should be prepared to wait a moment for their answers.

If you do not receive a reply within a few weeks, try replying to their email with a photo of you with the code again.

However, do not overdo it as it could mark your email as spam.

You have learned well how to fix the error “Temporarily locked” on Instagram.

Why is my Instagram account temporarily locked?

Instagram will temporarily suspend your account if they believe you have violated any of their Terms of Use. The lockout may occur even if it has nothing to do with the breach.

Here are some common actions that cause Instagram to release a comment lock:

1. It acts like bots

Instagram is looking for quick action within an hour and within 24 hours. The following actions performed at unusual speeds are called “bottom movements” and will cause a temporary data lock:

Monitor and stop monitoring users at the same time

Instagram habits include “following” someone and they “follow” you in the back. To use this system, one can “follow” hundreds of people at a time, once one “follows”, the person “stands” behind them.

Instagram will look at this behavior of robots because Instagram users have agreed not to damage the foundation and behave.

Too fast to like but not like pictures

Again, this is presumed to be the behavior of borrowers.

Swimming in your river and “enjoying” a few shots or more at medium speed is consistent with a person’s normal behavior. However, you can “enjoy” or “break” a hundred photos, for example in a few minutes, with a request.

Very fast location information

The more you put information on people’s posts, the more commitment you get and ultimately, the more followers. Most of the information on most posts seems to be used for Instagram’s algorithm.

Post the same information again

Not only does this not add value to a discussion, but it is also not something that is done by a user who is actually connected to the posts.

2. Use of third party claims

Use of some other party’s applications on the Instagram platform is a violation of their terms of use. Not all programs are banned; there is an authorization process for some of the applications that can be received.

However, the types that help automate actions are restricted and easily found by Instagram. Bottar works against a user experience and as encouraged by Instagram, all suspected stories being used will be locked.

3. Personal records

Traffickers can gain access to your personal information by using a fraudulent website. If you accidentally published your Instagram account by logging in to the login screen as the Instagram login screen but did not, you may have submitted your signature account.

Since your story is at risk and users can do whatever they want, they did what led to a red flag with Instagram and the brand responded with a story lock. we provide you with the best Instagram Private Photo Downloader that you will surely love. If you’ve always posted on Instagram

How long does a temporary lock on Instagram last?

Temporary lock on Instagram lasts indefinitely.

The lock will be canceled after you enter the correct code or if your “My Instagram Account is disabled” submission is successful.

Otherwise, your Instagram account will be locked.

The lock is not a permanent ban, so your Instagram account can still be recovered.

Frequently Asked Questions

Ques: Does Instagram ban IP addresses?

Ans: Some platforms take banning very seriously. They don’t just ban the account; they want to permanently ban the user too. The only way to permanently ban a user is to restrict their device’s IP Address. Instagram has not issued any official statements on the subject, but many users have reported an IP ban.

Essentially, if Instagram deems that you have violated their Terms of Service or Community Guidelines, the company will ban your device along with your account.

Ques: do I do if my appeal is denied?

Ans: If you followed the steps above and Instagram didn’t restore your account, you can process the appeal again. While not confirmed, there are some theories that a second or third appeal can work because another reviewer looked into your case.

Read more articles:


Instagram accounts can be disabled for no reason, so it’s important to have a second account in case something happens to your first account. However, if your Instagram account is not completely blocked, you still have the opportunity to restore it. The form request is viewed manually by real people, not bots, so it may take a while for Instagram support to arrive on your form.

In the meantime, you can create another Instagram account and follow all your friends and family again.


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