How to Send A Blank Message On Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat ( Simple & Working Ways ) 2023

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How to Send A Blank Message On Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat ( Simple & Working Ways ) 2023

There’s no reason to send blank messages to anyone, but it’s worth having fun with friends. By default, not all Instant Manager apps like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, or Instagram allow you to send unsolicited messages. Have you ever wanted to respond to someone with a meaningless affirmation message, so that you could quickly tell they didn’t agree? If you try to send useless messages that you think you can easily send to others, it never seems to work.

This post shares a very simple and interesting strategy to alert your friends to Snapchat, Instagram, and Facebook Messenger with missing or non-existent messages. As its name implies, a meaningless message is simply textless. If you are a regular user of Instagram and want to know How to See Old Deleted Instagram Photos & if your message was deleted accidentally and want to Recover Deleted Instagram Messages check these linked articles.

Why do people post blank messages on social media?

Why do people post blank messages on social media

No, not on purpose. If someone does that intentionally, I suspect they are trying to deceive their fan into sending a message because they want their attention, but their pride has grown too big to communicate with them directly message. † They see their obvious attraction to the other as a weakness and try to adapt it to connect with the other first.

More reasons to send Blank messages on social media

There are many reasons why people may send you Blank messages:

  • This means that the person slowly loses words because there are no words to express their feelings.
  • Messages, states, and messages do not deserve a reply.
  • To indicate that the message has been read.
  • This means that the person does not want to reply to additional messages.

Use a character to send a blank message on Snapchat 

Snapchat did not allow you to send a blank message on Snapchat. A while ago, it was easy. We can upload blank stories, name profile styles, make names invisible, etc. But now Snapchat has updated all its features where you can’t do any of that. According to Snapchat, only text, stickers, gifs, emoticons, and images can be composed in this conversation. On Snapchat, you can’t send a blank message without writing something.

Send a blank message on Snapchat 

Step 1: First open the Snapchat app on your Phone and open the chat to which you want to send a blank message.

First open the Snapchat app on your Phoneopen the chat to which you want to send a blank message.

Step 2: Try typing a few spaces that wouldn’t work, so copy the empty ‘     ‘ character (between the square brackets) and paste it into the chat.

Step 3: Now click on Submit button and submit a blank message.

Send blank Facebook messages

If you are thinking of trying the same method, sending a blank message through Facebook Messenger, you can certainly go ahead. Surprisingly, this method also works well there and will give you the best results. Here are the steps to send a blank message to a Facebook user:

  • Enter blank information in parentheses: [                   ].
  • Open Facebook Messenger where you want to send a blank message.

Open Facebook Messenger where you want to send a blank message.Open Facebook Messenger where you want to send a blank message.


  • Then open the chat.
  • The first step is to Copy  & paste empty Unicode characters.


  • Then send a message and you’re done.
    Then send a message and you're done.

Send a blank message on Instagram

Instagram doesn’t have a straightforward way to send empty messages. You can post characters, emotional images, photos, GIFs, stickers, or videos on Instagram, but not empty messages.

To send a blank message on Instagram, get help from The results are described below -.

1. Go to

Go to

2. Find Step 1 – Copy the template. Click on Copy with Clipboard.

Copy the template. Click on Copy with Clipboard.


3. Open the dialog for the person to whom you want to send an empty message.

Open the dialog for the person to whom you want to send an empty message.

4. Click Chat and then click Insert.

Click Chat and then click Insert.

5. Click on Submit.

If you’re looking for some good names for your new Snapchat Private Story check this linked article Private Story Names For Snapchat Ideas, and if you want to play best Snapchat Story Games to Play for Fun check this linked article.

How to send a blank message on WhatsApp?

If you use a symbol more than once, the symbol remains the same even if it is used more than once.

Follow these steps to send a blank message on WhatsApp:

  • To send a blank message, go to WhatsApp Messenger >> Chat and tap the name of the person you want to send it to.
    go to WhatsApp Messenger >> Chat and tap the name of the person you want to send it to


  • If you tap it at a certain time, the message will not appear as open in your conversation but will remain stuck in the MIC icon.
  • You can type or enter a line by simply typing [⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀] into the dialog box.

You can type or enter a line by simply typing [⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀] into the dialog box.send blank message

  • now send it.

Frequently Asked Questions

Ques: How to write a blank message?

An empty message cannot be written. You can leave some spaces, but no app will let you send a message unless you write real content. However, you can copy and paste blank text from many websites to impress your friends with this trick.

Ques: How do I send private messages on Messenger?

Open Messenger and tap the New Message button. Then tap Secrets at the top right. Select the person you want to send the message to and create it. You will see a stopwatch button on the right, tap on it and you will be able to set a timer to control the time each sent message appears.

Ques: How to send a blank message in iMessage?

Blank messages can be sent using the iPhone’s default messaging app. There is a way to do this, press the space bar once and the layout option will be highlighted. Another method is to have someone send you a blank message and resend the message, which can work in some cases.

Read more articles: 


Your friends will also be interested in this tutorial on how to send blank messages on social media, so share it with them. Now use the above tricks to prank your loved ones by sending them to blank SMS messages. Share your views on this topic in the comments section below.



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