Illusion Connect Tier List ( Best Characters & how to perform ) 2023

illusion Connect Tier List

Illusion Connect is a very popular game that has been around for a long time. It offers a lot of fun and can be played on multiple servers for players who want to play with their friends or meet new people. The character you choose in the game can drastically change your gaming experience, so choosing the right one is important.

This article will go through the Illusion Connect tier list, which will help you decide which character is best for your game. The range is from very strong to very weak, from level S to level E!

The category list is usually created by professional actors to rank the characters in order of who they think is the best. This list is a useful guide for new players to the game who want to know which character to start with.

Illusion Connect is a strategic RPG that combines turn-based play and real-time combat. An unusual mix of styles is what makes the game different from other porridge. And since its launch in October 2020, it has brought together millions of gamers who love unique game engineering. Plus, Illusion Connect combines amazing animation with a variety of miniature games. This includes the option for players to build their dream home within the city! But one of the most obvious reasons for a large group of game fans is their good imitation of playable characters. However, the style is not always the same. While many Illusion Connect characters sound good in theory, many lack functionality. But this is our list of tier illusion links.

On our Super Smash Bros Ultimate Tier ListFate/Grand Order Tier List you will find some of the best characters that are going to be super powerful, as well as some that are going to be just fine until you get better ones.

What is Illusion Connect?

There are many games with vague themes and you cannot immediately tell what they are about. Illusion Connect is no different; Unless you’ve seen a trailer or a game with beta access, you can’t tell what the game is about in name alone. On this page we will discuss what the game has to offer and help new players plan their gaming expectations. To summarize the game, we can divide it into two aspects: Game of Thrones and Fight.


Illusion Connect follows a standard mobage formula, ranging from the standard gacha (lotho) system to hire new characters, the firmness system, critical farming to balance characters and equipment, etc. Your goal is to create a list of heroes, strengthen them and use them. that team to tackle various categories of stories, challenges, etc. in the game. Like other mobages, the game is designed to be played idle for a long time, so there is no need to post content unless you have a lot of free time on your hands.

Illusion Connect Tier List

Illusion Connect is one of the most popular mobile fighting games. Illusion Connect has a large fan base that is always looking for new content.

The list in the Illusion Connect section gives players an idea of ​​the main characters in the game. This list will help you figure out which character you can use against your opponent.

The following is an overview of the various categories in Illusion Connect and their list. Classes are rated useful and level S is very useful, followed by a series of increasingly useless levels culminating in level E.


Let’s get off to a strong start with the most powerful characters in the game. You might be lucky enough to call one of these S-tier radians because they can blow air between enemies like they’re nothing. Each of these characters can carry the entire team, with a minimal investment in equipment. With that said, we recommend creating a team close to these characters as soon as you find them.

Character Type

  • Hachi Sorcerer
  • Anna Heal
  • Shiki Sorcerer
  • Gemmy Attack
  • Kasumi Attack
  • Miyuki Spell
  • Yuffie Sorcerer
  • Nicola Sorcerer


Despite being a level lower than S level, A-level radians are still good options for your team. They are very flexible and you can trust them to get out of a difficult situation. And if you invest in the right equipment, they will take great damage in battle. Or be careful when opposing S-level radians, as you still have a natural chance.

Character Type

  • Annie Guardian
  • Angela Guardian
  • Ann Summon
  • Berial Guardian
  • Charlotte Light
  • Eileen Light
  • Gaguku Summon
  • Vivian Light
  • Hersey Attack
  • Kiraya Guardian
  • Maki Attack
  • Nina Sorcerer
  • Pan Attack
  • Phoebe Light
  • Rikia Spell
  • Rotania Sorcerer
  • Fenebeth Sorcerer
  • Gigi Attack
  • Hotaru Attack

Teamfight Tactics Tier List & ArkNights Operators Tier List, In these Linked tier list, the best heroes are ranked in tiers from S-D, representing their individual potential, which is based on factors including the


Everyone wants to get A-level or even S-level characters. But let’s face it: calling them isn’t easy. And when the gacha system does not cooperate, we have to do what we are given. Now, level B is the last stage where the characters are still over the limit. They are not something you can be proud of, but you can win the game with them as long as you invest in them. It may take some time, but it sure does.

Character Type

  • Alice Light
  • Abby Attack
  • Amon Light
  • Annie Guardian
  • Annis Dora Summon
  • Barinas Guardian
  • Camille Guardian
  • Cubie Light
  • Diamond Heal
  • Diana Heal
  • Fenebeth Sorcerer
  • Saya Attack
  • The Enforcer Summon
  • Jasmine Heal
  • Lunar Attack
  • Mad Hatter Summon
  • Ming Heal
  • Nefir Sorcerer
  • Polly Heal
  • Rie Sorcerer
  • Sachiko Guardian
  • Victoria Guardian
  • Yume Attack


Radians of level C have a condition. This means that there are battles in which they can perform well and outplay the characters in the top positions. But in general, they are far from ideal options that should be changed as soon as possible. But if you really want to keep playing until the end, you will have to invest a lot of resources in them.

Character Type

  • Shanti Guardian
  • Cubie Light
  • Beatrice Spell
  • Brooke Light
  • Carol Attack
  • Chiyo Sorcerer
  • Edward Attack
  • Frantiva Summon
  • Mary Sorcerer


Level D radians are lower, which is much better. Even if you give them the best team in the game, you will still be defeated by an A-tier team with no team. For this reason, we recommend that you use these Radians early in the game and leave them to the best characters you can find.

Character Type

  • Mei Attack
  • Tiffany Sorcerer
  • Ashwaya Summon
  • Flora Summon
  • Harto Light
  • Mia Attack
  • Nanalie Spell


Lastly, the minimum is E-Tier. Radians in this category add almost nothing to the table. His stats are an embarrassment to the game and the developers will have to make some adjustments if they want players to choose one of these characters. Avoid at all costs. Trust me, it’s not fair.

Character Type

  • Bontenmaru Guardian
  • Loro Guardian
  • Penny Attack

Frequently Asked Questions

Ques: What is a Tier List?

Ans: A category list is a related power or efficiency level in different parts of a specific strategy game. The category list is very common in martial arts, but it can be used in any type of competitive endeavor that includes character selection and skill use. This term has become in common use, which means that a list is ordered that measures things in terms of quality and / or value.

Ques: What is an Illusion Connect Tier List?

Ans: The Illusion Connect category list is the level of all the characters that play in the game. Characters are ranked from best to worst, the best character is at the top and the worst is at the bottom.

Ques: Why is Illusion Connect Tier List Helpful?

Ans: The list in the Illusion Connect section informs and directs players to find the best characters in the game. This list will help you get an idea of ​​which character would best suit your current play style; Playing against similarly positioned opponents has never been easier.

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Illusion Connect is a fantastic game and there are many players who like it. The list in the Illusion Connect section is a great way to see the level of the fighters in this game and will help you find out which character could be better than your opponent. I hope you enjoyed this article and I hope it has taught us new things about Illusion Connect.


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