Overwatch Tier List (All Characters Ranked) 2023

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Overwatch Tier List (All Characters Ranked) 2023

Everyone should have their favorite heroes in Overwatch, and some of them can seem a little more powerful than others at times. The September animal list is here, starting with Ashe at level S and ending with Sombra as a not-so-useful hero at level D, and we’re just hoping that the game will be fine-tuned over time.

Overwatch’s 32 heroes form one of the most iconic casts in recent esports history.

If you’re an avid gamer, you’ve likely played Overwatch (even a little), or at least heard of Overwatch. This game created by Blizzard kept us entertained for hours and continues to do so, constantly evolving and changing, customizing the heroes and their skills, and “forcing” the meta to change. Gone are the days when you could dominate a team with 3-4 tanks. We all remember the famous nano visor/nano blade stats when we stumbled upon Genji’s war cry. The meta is always evolving and we think it’s time to make an Overwatch level list at the current level of the meta to find out which heroes are viable and which are terrible … not so viable.

Mobile Legends Tier List & Civilization 6 Tier List With over 100 characters to unlock and take into battle already, keeping up with the Mobile Legends tier list will go a long way in ensuring you don’t bite off more than you can chew in the arena.

Overwatch Tier List

This category list is compatible with the 26-game competition season and applies to all skill levels with the exception of grandmasters.

All knots, nerves, and spots before the start of the season are visible. Heroes are ranked based on a number of factors including:

Choose Competitive Game Rating – How many times is a Bronze Hero selected for games played in Grandmaster.

Win rate in competitive sports – chances that a champion will be part of a winning team by participating in a game. Other caves are considered, such as heroes with higher win levels, but very low selection prices are not automatically upgraded to higher levels.

Role efficiency – How well a hero fulfills his role as an attacker, tank, or supporter.

Collaboration with Other Heroes: As Overwatch is more team-based, heroes who fit all team structures are likely to put them at the top.

With that done, let’s move on and go to the latest Overwatch list.

Overwatch S Tier List

S-tier heroes are the best performers right now. Some may be overdeveloped and some may just be better than others today.

  • Zarya
  • Reinhardt
  • McCree
  • Reaper
  • Lucio
  • Zenyatta

Overwatch A Tier List

Level A heroes get a little slower than level S tier characters, but can still be the same in most team-building activities.

  • Doomfist
  • Tracer
  • Junkrat
  • Echo
  • Ashe
  • Mercy
  • Moira
  • Baptiste
  • Ana
  • Wrecking Ball

Overwatch B Tier List

Level B Heroes aren’t in their best shape, but they can still work depending on the structure of their team.

  • Symmetra
  • Soldier: 76
  • Genji
  • Hanzo
  • Roadhog
  • Sigma
  • Winston
  • D.Va
  • Brigitte

Overwatch C Tier List

Level C heroes are less powerful than the heroes listed above. They generally work well for lower Elos but drop slightly as you advance in rank unless they are played by a really talented player.

  • Pharah
  • Torbjorn
  • Orisa

Overwatch D Tier List

Make up your mind to put yourself at risk and prepare for your team to label you a loser.

  • Bastion
  • Sombra
  • Widowmaker

The best Jump Force Fighters are a versatile bunch. With higher durability than junglers but slightly less damage potential, they sit somewhere between both the assassin and tank role, building up the threat as the match goes on.

Characters Details S Tier


As a supportive hero who can be left alone in the battle, it’s no wonder Zenyatta is at this level. It has a high DPS and a simple front tool that even beginners can easily master. All the metadata Zenyatta needs from you. Plus, it’s fun to hit their balls.


Mcree’s ability to take out enemies regardless of distance puts him at the top of the list. Whether he’s pulling his magazine up close to the tank or firing a headshot over the map, Mcree takes the damage it takes to bring him closer to the triumphant taste. If you learn how to use the right file, you should have a YouTube Video Delete Group in no time. Just hit the list!


Zarya has seen a lot of flexibility in her love of gamers. From practically invisible to the necessary selection. In this episode, he finally seems to have found his balance. The best meta-hero is that because of his divine destiny when it comes to crowd control and combo power, no one can match him.


We can’t describe how happy we are with the latest steel from our favorite Reinhardt tank. With the entire strategy in place, Reinhardt was no longer popular with elite Overwatch gamers due to the sensations he had acquired in recent episodes. Fortunately, the game seems to be getting revenge for Reinhardt, especially with its high HP and DPS behind the last clip. It’s the most common destination right now, including Zarya.


When the meta talked about large cattle tanks, Reaper was there. It can cut HP like a buttered knife. But with the meta-change, his damage power will be reduced as he has to defeat the younger heroes. With all of the great DPS heroes, it’s hard to make Reaper that special. However, when you have Reinhardt or Orisa to be executed, you know which to choose. Plus, life-changing is an acceptable skill that you can rely on.


Lucio can be the creator of the difference between victory and defeat. His tool kit is great for helping your team and annoying the opposing team. If you lead everyone with their final skill, you can enter any type of defense. Although the communication and communication required for push made him choose the situation. Only if your enemy is playing Empire Defense Style.

Section with more character details


One of the heroes who have been with Overwatch since the beginning, Mercy has always been a great pick when it comes to healing. It can provide all of the healing the team needs or increase the damage. Being able to bring back a hero who has recently passed away will always be a long road. The reason he’s not at the top tier is that he doesn’t have a large defensive tank in this meta, which puts him at higher risk for enemy hijackers. Plus, his DPS is all the way down.


Moments ago, the Baptists were in dire need of nerve. You did very well. Because of his suffering, the field of amazing immortality and healing, the Baptist is an incredible choice for many, if not all, players today. To make matters worse, its destructive power and resilience have recently been disrupted. A double wound on a Baptist can explain why he is part of that slave.


If you are the type who likes to play competitively, you should follow Moira’s healing abilities. He has excellent mobility and short cold spaces, which makes him one of the most popular low-level actors. To get the most out of what Moira has to offer, it’s best to choose it along with other add-ons like Ana and Mercy.

Wrecking Ball 

Of course, wrecking ball should be on that list. We all have a love-hate relationship with Wrecking-Ball. If he’s on our team and knows what he’s doing, we love the chaos he’s creating, the real threat, even when he’s on the enemy’s side.


The echo’s rapid movement, combined with its massive damage, can be used in many ways to surprise – blast your enemies from unexpected quarters. Her small character model makes her hard to beat, especially when she’s unknowingly flying through the air. The only deceptive thing about the Echo, however, is its ultimate ability. You must have a game plan in place before you can choose Echo. That said, you need to know which hero you want to copy. So when choosing an echo, pay attention to your team composition.

Follow up

Tracer could be an extremely tough hero to become king, but it was undeniable that if he learned to use his powers, he could be an unstoppable killing machine. When playing against the lovely Tracer, it sometimes seems that the enemy has an extra hero on their side. The DPS it offers, combined with its mobility (let’s face it, the voice works again) makes Traracer the best choice for the best Overwatch hero. Download and run boyz.

Some Character Details B Tier


There is one thing that is always important in Overwatch that is creating conflict in the back pillars of your enemy. Winston is a good decision-maker, so with his high mobility and “second life” that gives him his ultimate ability, he is a good decision-maker, especially if you know how to use your strength.


Even though the meta is no longer controlled by snipers, Hanzo is still one of the best ways to deal with the damage. Players who take the time to study Hanzo well are actually rewarded for their good performance and could suffer quite a bit of damage. Combining travel with DPS can defeat the greatest heroes in the game if you take nice and fun shots, and if you combine your aim with another crowd control manager (e.g. Zarya) you will say goodbye to the opposing team.

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Overwatch is an ever-changing game. The items on this list are now “very good”. But we players just want to have fun. Choose the hero you want and join the fight!

As the game keeps changing, this Overwatch tier list will change too. We will do it.

Hope you find this list helpful.

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